Wednesday 2 January 2013

A Murloc Baby: Anatomy and Needs

  1. The Fins. During adolescence more and more fins appear, arranged first in one and later in three rows donw the back.
  2. The Gills. They gradually disappear during childhood, until they are completely gone.
  3. Rudimentary Tail. A remnant of the tadpole stage it disapears like the gills as the murloc grows until only a tiny rudiment is left on adult murlocs.
  4. The Feet, three-toed and slightly webbed. The hind extremities are usually stronger developed than the fore quarters as they are the first to develop during tadpole stage.
  5. The Hands, three-fingered with an opposable thumb, able to pick up tiniest sea shells.
  6. The Egg Tooth. Recalls the baby murlocs' origin: They hatch from colourful eggs the colour of which depends like that of the babies itself on their parents' colour.
  7. The Eyes. Large and slightly protruding, with a vertical slit and highly rotatable the grant perfect circumferential visibility over and under water. 

Baby murlocs mainly thrive on soft fish, mussels and other easy to handle seafood, since their teeth only appear one by one as they grow up. Murlocbabies tolerate milk but are not dependant on it, as murlocs are not mammals even though their young are brought up with great parental care.

In contrast to the very territorial adults of this species baby murlocs are very playful, affectionate creatures. Like infants of every higher species they need love and care to prosper, and aside from a balanced diet and suffient opportunities to bathe and play they need a generous amount of physical contact and caressing.

Find the German original of this article at Das Murlocbaby: Anatomie und Bedürfnisse

Friday 17 September 2010

Newsflash: First Murloc Nursery established in Germany

You can find them from Northrend to Stranglethorn Cape, they mainly feed on fish, molluscs and other seafood, and every hero on Azeroth knows them: Murlocs.

And yet, whole communities are erased day after day, for profit, misguided fishery interests or to keep the more terrestrial humanoid population from imaginary harm. In many cases, at least the oft overlooked babies can be rescued in time, and fostered at adoptive families. 
Currently five infant specimen of this endangered species are being kept in our care and lovingly nurtured by hand.  
These little ones are completely integrated into their foster-families every-day life to ensure a healthy development of these highly social creatures.